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Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Report for Iowa: Fatal Burn Injury While Bulldozing and Burning Brush.


Publication Date 2012
Page Count 7
Abstract A 74-year-old self-employed construction worker died in 2010 from severe burns to his upper body. The victim had been bulldozing trees and brush into a burn pile at a friend's rural property when a fire of unknown origin started in the bulldozer and led to a 65% full-thickness circumferential burn to the victim's upper body, arms, and head. The bulldozer operator was able to exit the machine and drove his truck to a nearby field to get help from the property owner's son. The property owner's son called 911, but the dispatcher could not locate the address, so the property owner drove the injured man to a local hospital less than 20 miles away. The victim was then airlifted to a level 1 burn treatment center 60 miles away. Due to the extent and severity of his burns, he was taken off life support the following day, and died one day later.
  • Occuational safety and health
  • Accident investigations
  • Fatalities
  • Construction workers
  • Bulldozing
  • Fires
  • Brushes
  • Trees
  • Injuries
  • Work environment
  • Accident prevention
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Safety
  • Training
Source Agency
  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Corporate Authors Iowa Dept. of Public Health, Des Moines.; National Inst. for Occupational Safety and Health, Morgantown, WV.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by National Inst. for Occupational Safety and Health, Morgantown, WV.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 201310
Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Report for Iowa: Fatal Burn Injury While Bulldozing and Burning Brush.
Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Report for Iowa: Fatal Burn Injury While Bulldozing and Burning Brush.

  • Occuational safety and health
  • Accident investigations
  • Fatalities
  • Construction workers
  • Bulldozing
  • Fires
  • Brushes
  • Trees
  • Injuries
  • Work environment
  • Accident prevention
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Safety
  • Training
  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health