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Department of Energy Strategic Plan, September 30, 2003.


Publication Date 2003
Page Count 42
Abstract The development of this strategic plan was the work of only Federal employees and was guided by major policy documents and program evaluations. In May 2001, the Administration issued its National Energy Policy which had several recommendations for the Department of Energy. The Administrations Nuclear Posture Review of 2002 revised the Nations nuclear weapons policy affecting the Departments nuclear weapons programs. Focused internally, the Department conducted major top-to-bottom program evaluations of the environmental management and fossil energy programs and has had the benefit of program evaluations conducted by the Departments Inspector General and the General Accounting Office. There are additional discussions of program evaluations with the resulting goals throughout this document. This document charts the course for the next 25 yearsfocusing on the Departments technical capabilities to meet its needs and provide innovative solutions for the future.
  • National security
  • Energy management
  • Technology innovation
  • Competition
  • Goals
  • Nuclear weapons
  • Environmental quality
  • Security
  • Strategic planning
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 201202
Department of Energy Strategic Plan, September 30, 2003.
Department of Energy Strategic Plan, September 30, 2003.

  • National security
  • Energy management
  • Technology innovation
  • Competition
  • Goals
  • Nuclear weapons
  • Environmental quality
  • Security
  • Strategic planning
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee