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Columbia River Treaty 2014/2024 Review. United States Entity Supplemental Report. Appendix B.


Publication Date 2010
Page Count 41
Abstract In general, the planning and operation of the Canadian Treaty projects does not include operating objectives and procedures other than those for power and flood control, the two purposes recognized in the Treaty and Protocol. Since the Phase 1 studies were focused on looking only at these two fundamental river purposes defined under the Treaty, the studies did not include additional operations not considered under the Treaty. By approaching the Phase 1 studies from this Treaty standpoint, both the U.S. and Canadian Entities expected to create a baseline of information for comparison and to build from for future studies and for engagement with the sovereigns and stakeholders within their respective countries. However, since the Biological Opinions (BiOp) have such a strong influence on the U.S. operations, the U.S. Entity felt it was important to also look at the Phase 1 study results with the fish operations included. The purpose of this appendix is to describe the modeling, methodology and criteria used in the U.S. Entity Phase 1 Supplemental studies that were done to assess the impacts to the U.S. system and fish operations when BiOp requirements were overlaid on the Phase 1 studies. The Phase 1 studies referred to in this appendix are: 1. Treaty continues post-2024 and Called Upon flood control is implemented (Study A); 2. Treaty is terminated in 2024 and Called Upon flood control is implemented (Study B); and 3. Treaty continues post-2024 with largely the same Treaty operations as today (Study C). The purpose of this Appendix is to compare the Phase 1 study results to the Phase 1 Supplemental results on a 70-year basis as well as by Called Upon subsets.
  • Water resources
  • Rivers
  • Treaties
  • Electric power generation
  • Hydroelectric power
  • Negotiations
  • Benefits payments
  • Governance
  • Implementation
  • History
  • Reviews
  • United States
  • Canada
  • Columbia River
  • Intertie
  • PNCA agreement
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR.
Supplemental Notes See also PB2009-108123.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 201118
Columbia River Treaty 2014/2024 Review. United States Entity Supplemental Report. Appendix B.
Columbia River Treaty 2014/2024 Review. United States Entity Supplemental Report. Appendix B.

  • Water resources
  • Rivers
  • Treaties
  • Electric power generation
  • Hydroelectric power
  • Negotiations
  • Benefits payments
  • Governance
  • Implementation
  • History
  • Reviews
  • United States
  • Canada
  • Columbia River
  • Intertie
  • PNCA agreement
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee