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50-State Survey of Laws Regulating the Collection, Storage, and Use of Human Tissue Specimens and Associated Data for Research.


Publication Date 2004
Page Count 106
Abstract State statutes often overlap with the federal rules governing the conduct of human subjects' research, but the scope, definitions, and standards of protection differ among the states. This report presents an overview of the state laws that affect the uses of tissue and associated data in research. It includes a chart showing the requirements for the conduct of tissue research state by state and a table compiling state statutes, and addresses the following questions when tissue specimens and data are obtained: How do state laws protecting the confidentiality of medical information and individual privacy affect the use of tissue samples and associated data; How do state laws on human subject protection affect the uses of tissue samples and data for research; How do statutes that define and regulate the conduct of genetic tests or the acquisition of genetic information affect the conduct of research on tissue samples and associated data; The Resources Development Branch of the Cancer Diagnosis Program at the National Cancer Institute has prepared this survey and analysis to serve as a guide to researchers interested in the state legal and regulatory requirements for research and to examine the potential consequences of a system that incorporates divergent (and sometimes not well known) standards. The survey reflects the status of state laws as of November 2004.
  • Surveys
  • State law
  • Medical research
  • Collection
  • Storage
  • Usage
  • Laws
  • Requirements
  • Case studies
  • Human tissue specimens
Source Agency
  • National Cancer Institute
Corporate Authors National Cancer Inst., Bethesda, MD.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200604
50-State Survey of Laws Regulating the Collection, Storage, and Use of Human Tissue Specimens and Associated Data for Research.
50-State Survey of Laws Regulating the Collection, Storage, and Use of Human Tissue Specimens and Associated Data for Research.

  • Surveys
  • State law
  • Medical research
  • Collection
  • Storage
  • Usage
  • Laws
  • Requirements
  • Case studies
  • Human tissue specimens
  • National Cancer Institute