Abstract |
The NASA/Navy Benchmarking Exchange (NNBE) was undertaken to identify practices and procedures and to share lessons learned from both the Navys submarine and NASAs human space flight programs. Initiated in August 2002, the NNBE focus is on safety and mission assurance (SMA) policies, processes, accountability practices, and control measures. As a result of the Space Shuttle Columbia accident and subsequent investigation, NNBE activities to complete NASA reviews of the Navy and to initiate Navy benchmarking of NASA were put on hold from February 1 through mid-April 2003. This report details the re-initiation of these activities and documents the progress since the restart. One of the key activities not completed prior to the December 20, 2002, Interim Report was an in-depth review of the NAVSEA 08 Naval Reactors (NR) organization focusing on naval nuclear reactor safety processes and training, quality assurance, compliance verification, software, and human factors. Consequently, the major part of this progress report describes the observations and opportunities derived from recently completed meetings with NR personnel. In addition to an introductory meeting with NR on October 1, 2002, these include a more detailed meeting on January 30, 2003, subsequent NASA participation in a NR training session (The Challenger Accident Re-Examined) held on May 15, 2003, and meetings on June 9 and 13, 2003 covering NR management and organization, requirements policy, implementing processes, and compliance verification and certification practices. By design, these topic areas correspond to the overall framework and structure established at the outset of the NNBE activity. Also by intent, the observations and opportunities identified in this Progress Report are closely coupled to, and build upon, the Potential Opportunities section of the December 20 Interim Report. |