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Monteburns: A Monte Carlo Burnup Code for Accelerator Applications.


Publication Date 2001
Personal Author Trellue, H. R.; Poston, D. I.
Page Count 13
Abstract Monteburns is a fully automated tool that links the Monte Carlo transport code MCNP with the radioactive decay and burnup code ORIGEN2. Monteburns produces criticality and burnup results based on various material feed/removal specifications, power(s), and time intervals. The program processes the input from the user that specifies the system geometry, initial material compositions, feed/removal specifications, and other code-specific parameters. Various results from MCNP, ORIGEN2, and other calculations then are output successively as the code runs. The principal function of monteburns is to transfer one-group, cross-section, and flux values from MCNP to ORIGEN2 and then transfer the resulting material compositions (after irradiation and/or decay) from ORIGEN2 back to MCNP in a repeated, cyclic fashion. The basic requirement of the code is that the user have a working MCNP input file and other input parameters; all interaction with ORIGEN2 and other calculations are performed by monteburns.
  • Burnup
  • Monte Carlo Method
  • M codes
  • Cross section
  • Computer calculations
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
NTIS Subject Category
  • 77 - Nuclear Science & Technology
Corporate Authors Los Alamos National Lab., NM.; Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200112
Monteburns: A Monte Carlo Burnup Code for Accelerator Applications.
Monteburns: A Monte Carlo Burnup Code for Accelerator Applications.

  • Burnup
  • Monte Carlo Method
  • M codes
  • Cross section
  • Computer calculations
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
  • 77 - Nuclear Science & Technology