Publication Date |
1981 |
Page Count |
350 |
Abstract |
The objective of this report is to provide the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the public with a description of the best technical information currently available for estimating the release of radioactive material during postulated reactor accidents, and to identify where gaps exist in our knowledge. This report focuses on those low probability-high consequence accidents involving severe damage to the reactor core and core meltdown that dominate the risk to the public. Furthermore, in this report particular emphasis is placed on the accident behavior of radioactive iodine, as (1) radioiodine is predicted to be a major contributor to public exposure, (2) current regulatory accident analysis procedures focus on iodine, and (3) several technical issues have been raised recently about the magnitude of iodine release. The generation, transport, and attenuation of aerosols were also investigated in some detail to assess their effect on fission product release estimates and to determine the performance of engineered safety features under accident conditions exceeding their design bases. |
Keywords |
Source Agency |
NTIS Subject Category |
Corporate Authors |
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC. |
Supplemental Notes |
Prepared in cooperation with Battelle Columbus Labs., OH., Oak Ridge National Lab., TN., and Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM. |
Document Type |
Technical Report |
Title Note |
Technical rept. |
NTIS Issue Number |
198123 |