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Measurement/Evaluation Techniques and Nuclear Data Associated with Fission of 239Pu by Fission Spectrum Neutrons.


Publication Date 2010
Personal Author Baisden, P.; Bauge, E.; Ferguson, J.; Gilliam, D.; Granier, T.; Jeanloz, R.; McMillan, C.; Robertson, D.; Thompson, P.; Verdon, C.; Wilkerson, C.; Young, P.
Page Count 20
Abstract This Panel was chartered to review and assess new evaluations of work on ssion product data, as well as the evaluation process used by the two U.S. nuclear weapons physics laboratories. The work focuses on ssion product yields resulting from ssion spectrum neutrons incident on plutonium, and includes data from measurements that had not been previously published as well as new or revised ssion product cumulative yield data, and related quantities such as Q values and R values. This report documents the Panel's assessment of the work presented by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).
  • Neutrons
  • Plutonium
  • Fission products
  • Benchmarks
  • Calibration
  • Energy dependence
  • Energy range
  • Evaluation
  • Gamma spectroscopy
  • Irradiation
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • Nuclear weapons
  • Physics
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 201020
Contract Number
  • DE-AC52-07NA27344
Measurement/Evaluation Techniques and Nuclear Data Associated with Fission of 239Pu by Fission Spectrum Neutrons.
Measurement/Evaluation Techniques and Nuclear Data Associated with Fission of 239Pu by Fission Spectrum Neutrons.

  • Neutrons
  • Plutonium
  • Fission products
  • Benchmarks
  • Calibration
  • Energy dependence
  • Energy range
  • Evaluation
  • Gamma spectroscopy
  • Irradiation
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • Nuclear weapons
  • Physics
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
  • DE-AC52-07NA27344