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Modeling the Office of Science Ten Year Facilities Plan: The PERI Architecture Tiger Team.


Publication Date 2009
Personal Author de Supinski, B. R.; Alam, S.; Bailey, D. H.; Carrington, L.; Daley, C.
Page Count 10
Abstract The Performance Engineering Institute (PERI) originally proposed a tiger team activity as a mechanism to target significant effort optimizing key Office of Science applications, a model that was successfully realized with the assistance of two JOULE metric teams. However, the Office of Science requested a new focus beginning in 2008: assistance in forming its ten year facilities plan. To meet this request, PERI formed the Architecture Tiger Team, which is modeling the performance of key science applications on future architectures, with S3D, FLASH and GTC chosen as the first application targets. In this activity, we have measured the performance of these applications on current systems in order to understand their baseline performance and to ensure that our modeling activity focuses on the right versions and inputs of the applications. We have applied a variety of modeling techniques to anticipate the performance of these applications on a range of anticipated systems. While our initial findings predict that Office of Science applications will continue to perform well on future machines from major hardware vendors, we have also encountered several areas in which we must extend our modeling techniques in order to fulfill our mission accurately and completely. In addition, we anticipate that models of a wider range of applications will reveal critical differences between expected future systems, thus providing guidance for future Office of Science procurement decisions, and will enable DOE applications to exploit machines in future facilities fully.
  • Facilities plans
  • Measurements
  • Performance analysis tools
  • Computer software
  • Modeling
  • Simulations
  • Architecture Tiger Team
  • Office of Science
  • Performance Engineering Institute (PERI)
  • Latency-sensitive applications
  • Bandwidth-sensitive applications
  • Department of Energy (DOE)
  • Leadership class systems
  • FLASH code
  • Gyrokinetic Toroidal Code (GTC)
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA.; Oak Ridge National Lab., TN.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.; Lawrence Livermore National Lab., Berkeley, CA.; San Diego Supercomputing Center, San Diego, CA.
Supplemental Notes Prepared in cooperation with Oak Ridge National Lab., TN., Lawrence Livermore National Lab., Berkeley, CA. and San Diego Supercomputing Center, San Diego, CA. Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 201009
Contract Number
  • DE-AC05-00OR22725
  • DE-AC52-07NA27344
Modeling the Office of Science Ten Year Facilities Plan: The PERI Architecture Tiger Team.
Modeling the Office of Science Ten Year Facilities Plan: The PERI Architecture Tiger Team.

  • Facilities plans
  • Measurements
  • Performance analysis tools
  • Computer software
  • Modeling
  • Simulations
  • Architecture Tiger Team
  • Office of Science
  • Performance Engineering Institute (PERI)
  • Latency-sensitive applications
  • Bandwidth-sensitive applications
  • Department of Energy (DOE)
  • Leadership class systems
  • FLASH code
  • Gyrokinetic Toroidal Code (GTC)
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
  • DE-AC05-00OR22725
  • DE-AC52-07NA27344