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Greenfield Alternative Study LEU-Mo Fuel Fabrication Facility.


Publication Date 2008
Page Count 484
Abstract This report provides the initial first look of the design of the Greenfield Alternative of the Fuel Fabrication Capability (FFC); a facility to be built at a Greenfield DOE National Laboratory site. The FFC is designed to fabricate LEU-Mo monolithic fuel for the 5 US High Performance Research Reactors (HPRRs). This report provides a pre-conceptual design of the site, facility, process and equipment systems of the FFC; along with a preliminary hazards evaluation, risk assessment as well as the ROM cost and schedule estimate.
  • Research reactors
  • Fabrication
  • Design
  • Evaluation
  • Nuclear fuels
  • Hazards
  • Performance
  • Risk assessment
  • Schedules
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors URS Co., Denver, CO.; National Nuclear Security Administration, Las Vegas, NV.; Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID.
Supplemental Notes Prepared in cooperation with Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID. Sponsored by National Nuclear Security Administration, Las Vegas, NV.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200909
Contract Number
  • DE-AC07-05ID14517
Greenfield Alternative Study LEU-Mo Fuel Fabrication Facility.
Greenfield Alternative Study LEU-Mo Fuel Fabrication Facility.

  • Research reactors
  • Fabrication
  • Design
  • Evaluation
  • Nuclear fuels
  • Hazards
  • Performance
  • Risk assessment
  • Schedules
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
  • DE-AC07-05ID14517