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Application of Low-Cost Digital Elevation Models to Detect Change in Forest Carbon Sequestration Projects. Final Report, August 1, 2005-July 31, 2007.


Publication Date 2007
Personal Author MacDicken, K. G.; Schultz, H.
Page Count 37
Abstract This two-year study evaluated advanced multispectral digital imagery applications for assessment of forest carbon stock change. A series of bench and field studies in North Carolina and Ohio tested aerial assessments of forest change between two time periods using two software packages (ERDAS and TERREST) for Digital Elevation Model (DEM) creation, automated classification software (eCognition) for canopy segmentation and a multiple ranging laser designed to improve quality of elevation data. Results of the DEM software comparison showed that while TERREST has the potential to produce much higher resolution DEM than ERDAS, it is unable to resolve crucial canopy features adequately. Lab tests demonstrated that additional laser data improves image registration and Z-axis DEM quality. Data collected in the field revealed difficult challenges in correctly modeling the location of laser strike and subsequently determining elevations in both software packages. Automated software segmentation of tree canopies provided stem diameter and biomass carbon estimates that were within 3% of comparable ground based estimates in the Ohio site and produced similar biomass estimates for a limited number of plots in the Duke forest.
  • Forest management
  • Carbon
  • Biomass
  • Fuels
  • Canopies
  • Classification
  • Forestry
  • Greenhouse effect
  • Environmental effects
  • Lasers
  • Resolution
  • Simulation
  • Trees
  • Data collection
  • Computer programs
  • Carbon sequestration
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Winrock International, Little Rock, AR.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.; Aerial Vision Inc., Amherst, MA.
Supplemental Notes Prepared in cooperation with Aerial Vision Inc., Amherst, MA. Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200902
Contract Number
  • DE-FC26-05NT42437
Application of Low-Cost Digital Elevation Models to Detect Change in Forest Carbon Sequestration Projects. Final Report, August 1, 2005-July 31, 2007.
Application of Low-Cost Digital Elevation Models to Detect Change in Forest Carbon Sequestration Projects. Final Report, August 1, 2005-July 31, 2007.

  • Forest management
  • Carbon
  • Biomass
  • Fuels
  • Canopies
  • Classification
  • Forestry
  • Greenhouse effect
  • Environmental effects
  • Lasers
  • Resolution
  • Simulation
  • Trees
  • Data collection
  • Computer programs
  • Carbon sequestration
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
  • DE-FC26-05NT42437