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Hydrologic Evaluation for Model Validation Wells MV-1, MV-2, and MV-3 Near the Project Shoal Area.


Publication Date 2006
Personal Author Lyles, B.; Oberlander, P.; Gilssepie, D.; Donithan, D.; Chapman, J.
Page Count 57
Abstract In 2006, a drilling campaign was conducted at the Project Shoal Area (PSA) to provide information for model validation, emplace long-term monitoring wells, and develop baseline geochemistry for long term hydrologic monitoring. Water levels were monitored in the vicinity of the drilling, in the existing wells HC-1 and HC-6, as well as in the newly drilled wells, MV-1, MV-2 and MV-3 and their associated piezometers. Periodic water level measurements were also made in existing wells HC-2, HC-3, HC-4, HC-5 and HC-7. A lithium bromide chemical tracer was added to drilling fluids during the installation of the monitoring and validation (MV) wells and piezometers. The zones of interest were the fractured, jointed and faulted horizons within a granitic body. These horizons generally have moderate hydraulic conductivities. As a result, the wells and their shallower piezometers required strenuous purging and development to remove introduced drilling fluids as evidenced by bromide concentrations. After airlift and surging well development procedures, the wells were pumped continuously until the bromide concentration was less then 1 milligram per liter (mg/L). Water quality samples were collected after the well development was completed. Tritium scans were preformed before other analyses to ensure the absence of high levels of radioactivity. Tritium levels were less than 2,000 pico-curies per liter.
  • Hydrology
  • Wells
  • Anions
  • Aquifers
  • Bromides
  • Carbon 14
  • Cations
  • Drilling fluids
  • Geochemistry
  • Hydraulic conductivity
  • Hydraulics
  • Hydrogen
  • Iodine 129
  • Lithium bromides
  • Oxygen
  • Radioactivity
  • Stables isotopes
  • Tritium
  • Validation
  • Water quality
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Nevada Univ. System, Las Vegas. Desert Research Inst.; National Nuclear Security Administration, Las Vegas, NV. Nevada
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by National Nuclear Security Administration, Las Vegas, NV. Nevada Operations Office.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200902
Hydrologic Evaluation for Model Validation Wells MV-1, MV-2, and MV-3 Near the Project Shoal Area.
Hydrologic Evaluation for Model Validation Wells MV-1, MV-2, and MV-3 Near the Project Shoal Area.

  • Hydrology
  • Wells
  • Anions
  • Aquifers
  • Bromides
  • Carbon 14
  • Cations
  • Drilling fluids
  • Geochemistry
  • Hydraulic conductivity
  • Hydraulics
  • Hydrogen
  • Iodine 129
  • Lithium bromides
  • Oxygen
  • Radioactivity
  • Stables isotopes
  • Tritium
  • Validation
  • Water quality
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee