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Experimental Assessment of the Impact of Sludge Variation on the Frit 202-A11-SB3 Glass System.


Publication Date 2007
Personal Author Peeler, D. K.; Fox, K. M.; Edwards, T. B.; Smith, M. E.; Best, D. R.
Page Count 153
Abstract Twenty-seven glasses were designed to assess the impacts of both sludge variation ((+-)5 or (+-)10% for the major sludge components) and waste loading (WL) (50 or 52%) on the Product Consistency Test (PCT) response after two thermal histories (quenching and a modified ccc schedule) within the Frit 202-A11-Sludge Batch 3 (SB3) system. The PCT results of the quenched glasses (regardless of compositional view) indicate that all Frit 202-A11-Sludge SB3 (referred to as HTLG) variability study glasses are very acceptable relative to the Environmental Assessment (EA) glass benchmark. More specifically, the normalized boron releases (NL (B) in g/L) range from 0.8 g/L (for HTLG-60VS based on the measured composition) to 1.384 g/L (HTLG-79VS based on the measured bias-corrected (bc) composition). These results can be compared to the NL (B) for the EA benchmark of 16.695 g/L. The PCT results of the quenched glasses are consistent with previous data in the Frit 202-A11-SB3 system.
  • Sludges
  • Glass
  • Chemical composition
  • Variations
  • Radioactive waste processing
  • Waste forms
  • High level radioactive wastes
  • Density
  • Corrosion resistance
  • Quenching
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Savannah River National Lab., Aiken, SC.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200816
Experimental Assessment of the Impact of Sludge Variation on the Frit 202-A11-SB3 Glass System.
Experimental Assessment of the Impact of Sludge Variation on the Frit 202-A11-SB3 Glass System.

  • Sludges
  • Glass
  • Chemical composition
  • Variations
  • Radioactive waste processing
  • Waste forms
  • High level radioactive wastes
  • Density
  • Corrosion resistance
  • Quenching
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee