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Multi-Dimensional Electrochemical-Thermal Coupled Model of Large Format Cylindrical Lithium Ion Cells.


Publication Date 2007
Personal Author Kim, G. H.; Smith, K.
Page Count 21
Abstract U.S. reliance on oil threatens our energy security and degrades air quality in many cities. Recognizing this, DOE established the Vehicle Technologies Program to lead the nation to a cleaner, more secure transportation future. One important aim of the program is to advance energy storage (ES) technologies for fuel cell, electric, and hybrid electric vehicles (FCVs, EVs and HEVs) to increase fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. NREL supports the program's Energy Storage activity, which advances these technologies by addressing cost, lifetime, abuse tolerance, and performance barriers. The vision for energy storage technologies is to develop durable, safe, and affordable advanced batteries and ultracapacitors that cover a wide range of vehicle applications, including FCVs, EVs and HEVs. These development efforts will also deliver technology that is directly applicable to heavy hybrid vehicle ES requirements.
  • Lithium ion cells
  • Electrochemical-thermal coupling
  • Fuel cells
  • Electric vehicles
  • Models
  • Hybrid electric vehicles
  • Vehicle Technologies Program
  • Energy storage (ES) technologies
  • Fuel efficiency
  • Emissions reduction
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors National Renewable Energy Lab., Golden, CO.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200810
Multi-Dimensional Electrochemical-Thermal Coupled Model of Large Format Cylindrical Lithium Ion Cells.
Multi-Dimensional Electrochemical-Thermal Coupled Model of Large Format Cylindrical Lithium Ion Cells.

  • Lithium ion cells
  • Electrochemical-thermal coupling
  • Fuel cells
  • Electric vehicles
  • Models
  • Hybrid electric vehicles
  • Vehicle Technologies Program
  • Energy storage (ES) technologies
  • Fuel efficiency
  • Emissions reduction
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee