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Real-Life Pulse Flattening on the LLNL Flash X-Ray (FXR) Machine.


Publication Date 2007
Personal Author DeHope, W. J.; Jacob, J. S.; Kihara, R.; Ong, M. M.; Zentler, J. M.
Page Count 5
Abstract High-resolution radiography using high-current electron accelerators based on the linear induction accelerator principle requires the linacs final spot on the X-ray target to be millimeter-sized. The requisite final focusing solenoid is adjusted for a specific beam energy at its entrance, hence, temporal variation of entrance beam energy results in a less than optimal time-averaged spot size. The FXR (Flash X-Ray) induction linac facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory will be briefly described with an emphasis on its pulsed power system. In principle, the pulsed Blumleins at the heart of the system output a square pulse when discharged at the peak of their charging waveform so that, with correct cell timing synchronization, the effective beam output into the final focusing solenoid should be optimally flat. We have found that real-life consideration of transmission line and pulse power details in both the injector and accelerator sections of the machine results in significant energy variations in the final beam. We have implemented methods of measurement and analysis that permits this situation to be quantified and improved upon. The improvement will be linked to final beam spot size and enhancement in expected radiographic resolution.
  • Linear accelerators
  • Radiography
  • Pulsed power systems
  • Particle Accelerators
  • Test procedures
  • Pulses
  • Radiographs
  • Estimating
  • High-current electron accelerators
  • Pulse flattening
  • Flash X-ray accelerator (FXR)
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200725
Real-Life Pulse Flattening on the LLNL Flash X-Ray (FXR) Machine.
Real-Life Pulse Flattening on the LLNL Flash X-Ray (FXR) Machine.

  • Linear accelerators
  • Radiography
  • Pulsed power systems
  • Particle Accelerators
  • Test procedures
  • Pulses
  • Radiographs
  • Estimating
  • High-current electron accelerators
  • Pulse flattening
  • Flash X-ray accelerator (FXR)
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee