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Transportation Cask Receipt/Return Facility Criticality Safety Evaluations.


Publication Date 2006
Page Count 52
Abstract The purpose of this design calculation is to demonstrate that the handling operations of transportation casks performed in the Transportation Cask Receipt and Return Facility (TCRRF) and Buffer Area meet the nuclear criticality safety design criteria specified in the ''Project Design Criteria (PDC) Document'' (BSC (Bechtel SAIC Company) 2004 (DIRS 171599), Section, and the functional nuclear criticality safety requirement described in the ''Transportation Cask Receipt/Return Facility Description Document'' (BSC 2004 (DIRS 170217), Section 3.2.3). Specific scope of work contained in this activity consists of the following items: (1) Evaluate criticality effects for both dry and fully flooded conditions pertaining to TCRRF and Buffer Area operations for defense in depth. (2) Evaluate Category 1 and 2 event sequences for the TCRRF as identified in the ''Categorization of Event Sequences for License Application'' (BSC 2004 (DIRS 167268), Section 7). This evaluation includes credible fuel reconfiguration conditions. In addition to the scope of work listed above, an evaluation was also performed of modeling assumptions for commercial spent nuclear fuel (CSNF) regarding inclusion of plenum and end regions of the active fuel. This calculation is limited to CSNF and US Department of Energy (DOE) SNF. it should be mentioned that the latter waste form is evaluated more in depth in the ''Canister Handling Facility Criticality Safety Calculations (BSC 2004 (DIRS 167614)). Further, the design and safety analyses of the naval SNF canisters are the responsibility of the US Department of the Navy (Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program) and will not be included in this document. In addition, this calculation is valid for the current design of the TCRRF and Buffer Area and may not reflect the ongoing design evolution of the facility. However, it is anticipated that design changes to the facility layout will have little or no impact on the criticality results and/or conclusions presented in this document. This calculation is subject to the ''Quality Assurance Requirements and Description'' (DOE 2004 (DIRS 171539)) because the TCRRF is included in the Q-List (BSC 2004 (DIRS 168361), p. A-3) as an item important to safety. This calculation is prepared in accordance with AP-3.12Q, ''Design Calculations and Analyses'' (DIRS 168413).
  • Criticality
  • Safety analysis
  • Containers
  • Design
  • Spent fuels
  • Casks
  • Buffers
  • Evaluation
  • Waste forms
  • Computer software
  • Transportation Cask Receipt/Return Facility(TCRRF)
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200614
Transportation Cask Receipt/Return Facility Criticality Safety Evaluations.
Transportation Cask Receipt/Return Facility Criticality Safety Evaluations.

  • Criticality
  • Safety analysis
  • Containers
  • Design
  • Spent fuels
  • Casks
  • Buffers
  • Evaluation
  • Waste forms
  • Computer software
  • Transportation Cask Receipt/Return Facility(TCRRF)
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee