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High Resolution/High Fidelity Seismic Imaging and Parameter Estimation for Geological Structure and Material Characterization. (Final Report, April 15, 2001-April 14, 2004).


Publication Date 2005
Personal Author Wu, R. S.; Xie, X. B.; Lay, T.
Page Count 84
Abstract In this project, we develop new theories and methods for multi-domain one-way wave equation based propagators, and apply these techniques to seismic modeling, seismic imaging, seismic illumination and model parameter estimation in 3D complex environments. The major progress of this project includes: (1) the development of the dual-domain wave propagators; (2) exploring the information in the local angle domain; and (3) elastic-wave imaging.
  • Seismic waves
  • Wave propagation
  • Geology
  • Resolution
  • Imaging techniques
  • Wave equations
  • Illumination
  • Parameters
  • Modeling
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors California Univ., Santa Cruz.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200615
High Resolution/High Fidelity Seismic Imaging and Parameter Estimation for Geological Structure and Material Characterization. (Final Report, April 15, 2001-April 14, 2004).
High Resolution/High Fidelity Seismic Imaging and Parameter Estimation for Geological Structure and Material Characterization. (Final Report, April 15, 2001-April 14, 2004).

  • Seismic waves
  • Wave propagation
  • Geology
  • Resolution
  • Imaging techniques
  • Wave equations
  • Illumination
  • Parameters
  • Modeling
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee