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Pseudo-Random Number Generator Based on Normal Numbers.


Publication Date 2004
Personal Author Bailey, D. H.
Page Count 12
Abstract In a recent paper, Richard Crandall and the present author established that each of a certain class of explicitly given real constants, uncountably infinite in number, is bnormal, for an integer b that appears in the formula defining the constant. A b-normal constant is one where every string of m digits appears in the base-b expansion of the constant with limiting frequency b(sup m). This paper shows how this result can be used to fashion an efficient and effective pseudo-random number generator, which generates successive strings of binary digits from one of the constants in this class. The resulting generator, which tests slightly faster than a conventional linear congruential generator, avoids difficulties with large power-of-two data access strides that may occur when using conventional generators. It is also well suited for parallel processing-each processor can quickly and independently compute its starting value, with the collective sequence generated by all processors being the same as that generated by a single processor.
  • Pseudo random systems
  • Mathematics
  • Radomness
  • Computer codes
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200612
Pseudo-Random Number Generator Based on Normal Numbers.
Pseudo-Random Number Generator Based on Normal Numbers.

  • Pseudo random systems
  • Mathematics
  • Radomness
  • Computer codes
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee