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Urban Wood/Coal Co-Firing in the NOISH Boilerplant.


Publication Date 2005
Personal Author Cobb, J. T.
Page Count 46
Abstract Phase I of this project began by obtaining R&D variances for permits at the NIOSH boilerplant (NBP), Emery Tree Service (ETS) and the J. A. Rutter Company (JARC) for their portions of the project. Wood for the test burn was obtained from the JARC inventory (pallets), Thompson Properties and Seven D Corporation (construction wood), and the Arlington Heights Housing Project (demolition wood). The wood was ground at ETS and JARC, delivered to the Three Rivers Terminal and blended with coal. Three one-day tests using wood/coal blends of 33% wood by volume (both construction wood and demolition wood) were conducted at the NBP. Blends using hammermilled wood were operationally successful. Emissions of SO(sub 2) and NOx decreased and that of CO increased when compared with combusting coal alone. Mercury emissions were measured and evaluated. During the first year of Phase II the principal work focused upon searching for a replacement boilerplant and developing a commercial supply of demolition wood. The NBP withdrew from the project and a search began for another stoker boilerplant in Pennsylvania to replace it on the project. Three potential commercial demolition wood providers were contacted. Two were not be able to supply wood. At the end of the first year of Phase II, discussions were continuing with the third one, a commercial demolition wood provider from northern New Jersey. During the two-and-a-third years of the contract extension it was determined that the demolition wood from northern New Jersey was impractical for use in Pittsburgh, in another power plant in central New Jersey, and in a new wood gasifier being planned in Philadelphia. However, the project team did identify sufficient wood from other sources for the gasifier project. The Principal Investigator of this project assisted a feasibility study of wood gasification in Clarion County, Pennsylvania. As a result of the study, an independent power producer in the county has initiated a small wood gasification project at its site. Throughout much of this total project the Principal Investigator has counseled two small businesses in developing a waxed cardboard pellet business. A recent test burn of this biofuel appears successful and a purchase contract is anticipated soon. During the past two months a major tree-trimming firm has shown an active interest in entering the wood-chip fuel market in the Pittsburgh area and has contacted the NBP, among others, as potential customers. The NBP superintendent is currently in discussion with the facilities management of the Bruceton Research Center about resuming their interest in cofiring this renewable fuel to the stoker there.
  • Biomass
  • Boilers
  • Biofuels
  • Cocombustion
  • Wood
  • Coal
  • Gasification
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Pittsburgh Univ., PA. Dept. of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.; National Energy Technology Lab., Pittsburgh, PA.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by National Energy Technology Lab., Pittsburgh, PA. and Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
Title Note Rept. for 30 Sept 00-30 Jan 05.
NTIS Issue Number 200606
Urban Wood/Coal Co-Firing in the NOISH Boilerplant.
Urban Wood/Coal Co-Firing in the NOISH Boilerplant.

  • Biomass
  • Boilers
  • Biofuels
  • Cocombustion
  • Wood
  • Coal
  • Gasification
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee