Publication Date |
2005 |
Page Count |
14 |
Abstract |
As part of the Department of Energys (DOE) initiative on developing new technologies for storage of carbon dioxide in geologic reservoirs, Battelle has been awarded a project to investigate the feasibility of C02 sequestration in the deep saline reservoirs in the Ohio River Valley region. This project is the Phase III of Battelles work under the Novel Concepts in Greenhouse Gas Management grant. In addition to the DOE, the project is being sponsored by American Electric Power (AEP), BP, The Ohio Coal Development Office (OCDO) of the Ohio Department of Development, and Schlumberger. The main objective of the project is to demonstrate that CO2 sequestration in deep formations is feasible from engineering and economic perspectives, as well as being an inherently safe practice and one that will be acceptable to the public, In addition, the project is designed to evaluate the geology of deep formations in the Ohio River Valley region in general and in the vicinity of AEPs Mountaineer Power Plant in particular, in order to determine their potential use for conducting a long-term test of CO2 disposal in deep saline formations and potentially in nearby deep coal seams. The current technical progress report summarizes activities completed for the January through March 2005 period of the project. As discussed in the report, the technical activities focused on development of injection we11 design, preparing a Class V Underground Injection Control permit, assessment of monitoring technologies, analysis of coal samples for testing the capture system by Mitsubish Heavy Industry, and presentation of project progress at several venues. In addition, related work has progressed on a collaborative risk assessment project with Japan research institute CREIPI and technical application for the Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership. |
Keywords |
Source Agency |
Corporate Authors |
Battelle Memorial Inst., Columbus, OH.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.; National Energy Technology Lab., Morgantown, WV. |
Supplemental Notes |
Sponsored by National Energy Technology Lab., Morgantown, WV. and Department of Energy, Washington, DC. |
Document Type |
Technical Report |
NTIS Issue Number |
200603 |