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Status and Direction of the Bulk Vitrification Program for the Supplemental Treatment of Low Activity Tank Waste at Hanford.


Publication Date 2005
Personal Author Raymond, R. E.
Page Count 18
Abstract The DOE Office of River Protection (ORP) is managing a program at the Hanford site that will retrieve and treat more than 200 million liters (53 million gal.) of radioactive waste stored in underground storage tanks. The waste was generated over the past 50 years as part of the nation's defense programs. The project baseline calls for the waste to be retrieved from the tanks and partitioned to separate the highly radioactive constituents from the large volumes of chemical waste. These highly radioactive components will be vitrified into glass logs in the Waste Treatment Plant (WTP), temporarily stored on the Hanford Site, and ultimately disposed of as high-level waste in the offsite national repository. The less radioactive chemical waste, referred to as low-activity waste (LAW), is also planned to be vitrified by the WTP, and then disposed of in approved onsite trenches. However, additional treatment capacity is required in order to complete the pretreatment and immobilization of the tank waste by 2028, which represents a Tri-Party Agreement milestone. To help ensure that the treatment milestones will be met, the Supplemental Treatment Program was undertaken. The program, managed by CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc., involves several sub-projects each intended to supplement part of the treatment of waste being designed into the WTP. This includes the testing, evaluation, design, and deployment of supplemental LAW treatment and immobilization technologies, retrieval and treatment of mixed TRU waste stored in the Hanford Tanks, and supplemental pre-treatment.
  • Waste processing
  • Radioactive waste management
  • Vitrification
  • Low-level radioactive wastes
  • Consumption
  • Utilization
  • Alpha-bearing wastes
  • Chemical wastes
  • Design
  • Hanford Reservation
  • Underground storage
  • Evaluation
  • Processing
  • Radioactive wastes
  • Steam
  • Tanks
  • Testing
  • Waste storage
  • Wastes
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors CH2M Hill Hanford Group, Inc., Richland, WA.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200603
Status and Direction of the Bulk Vitrification Program for the Supplemental Treatment of Low Activity Tank Waste at Hanford.
Status and Direction of the Bulk Vitrification Program for the Supplemental Treatment of Low Activity Tank Waste at Hanford.

  • Waste processing
  • Radioactive waste management
  • Vitrification
  • Low-level radioactive wastes
  • Consumption
  • Utilization
  • Alpha-bearing wastes
  • Chemical wastes
  • Design
  • Hanford Reservation
  • Underground storage
  • Evaluation
  • Processing
  • Radioactive wastes
  • Steam
  • Tanks
  • Testing
  • Waste storage
  • Wastes
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee