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SRS Public Involvement in Waste Management has Resulted in Effective Decisions Supported by the Public Including Disposal Changes and Top-to-Bottom Review Initiative Consensus.


Publication Date 2003
Personal Author Goldston, W. T.; Villasor, H. P.
Page Count 10
Abstract In the Savannah River Site's (SRS') Solid Waste Management Program, a key to success is the Public Involvement Program. The Solid Waste Division at SRS manages the site's transuranic, low-level, mixed, and hazardous wastes. All decisions associated with management of this waste are of interest to the public and successful program implementation would be impossible without a vigorous public involvement program. The SRS Solid Waste Division (SWD) and its Department of Energy (DOE) customer developed, implemented, and maintain a comprehensive public participation and communications program. It is staffed by public participation and technical specialists to ensure information is presented in a manner that is technically accurate while being tailored for understanding by people without a technical background. The program provides the public with accurate, complete, timely information and early meaningful participation opportunities. It also fulfills the public participation activities required by laws, regulations, DOE Orders, and negotiated agreements. The primary goal of the SWD Public Participation Program is to fulfill the objectives of the SWD and SRS Strategic Plans to 'build trust and communicate openly, honestly, and responsibly with employees, customers, stakeholders, and regulators,' and to 'work to extend the support of external stakeholders for the pursuit of SRS and DOE Complex business goals.' This paper focuses on the public participation program goals, the implementation through formal plans and objectives, targeted waste management programs and specific audiences, and specific effects of the program on waste management activities. A discussion of the DOE and contractor teaming along with how plans are carried out is also included.
  • Low-level radioactive wastes
  • Waste management
  • Public opinion
  • Decision making
  • Personnel
  • Implementation
  • Regulations
  • Hazardous materials
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Westinghouse Savannah River Co., Aiken, SC.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200521
SRS Public Involvement in Waste Management has Resulted in Effective Decisions Supported by the Public Including Disposal Changes and Top-to-Bottom Review Initiative Consensus.
SRS Public Involvement in Waste Management has Resulted in Effective Decisions Supported by the Public Including Disposal Changes and Top-to-Bottom Review Initiative Consensus.

  • Low-level radioactive wastes
  • Waste management
  • Public opinion
  • Decision making
  • Personnel
  • Implementation
  • Regulations
  • Hazardous materials
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee