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Actinide Cross Section Evaluations.


Publication Date 2004
Personal Author Brown, D. A.; Loyola, B.; McNabb, D.
Page Count 12
Abstract The Livermore Computational Nuclear Physics group is charged with producing updated neutron incident cross section evaluations for all the actinides in the coming year, concentrating on neutron induced fission, neutron capture and (n,2n) cross sections. We attack this daunting task either by adopting other recent evaluations or by performing our own. Owing to the large number of nuclei involved, we seek to automate this process as much as possible. For this purpose, we have developed a series of computer codes: x4i, an interface to the EXFOR database, fete, a code that translates ENDF/B formatted evaluations into a computationally convenient form, and da(underline)fit, a fitting code that takes all relevant EXFOR data for a reaction or set of reactions and performs a generalized least square fit to them, subject to various constraints and other prior information.
  • Actinides
  • Cross sections
  • Evaluation
  • Neutrons
  • Computer codes
  • Automation
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200604
Actinide Cross Section Evaluations.
Actinide Cross Section Evaluations.

  • Actinides
  • Cross sections
  • Evaluation
  • Neutrons
  • Computer codes
  • Automation
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee