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Designing Remote Monitoring Systems For Long Term Maintenance and Reliability.


Publication Date 2001
Personal Author Davis, G. E.; Johnson, G. L.; Schrader, F. D.; Stone, M. A.
Page Count 8
Abstract As part of the effort to modernize safeguards equipment, the IAEA is continuing to acquire and install equipment for upgrading obsolete surveillance systems with digital technology; and providing remote-monitoring capabilities where and when economically justified. Remote monitoring is expected to reduce inspection effort, particularly at storage facilities and reactor sites. Remote monitoring technology will not only involve surveillance, but will also include seals, sensors, and other unattended measurement equipment. LLNLs experience with the Argus Security System offers lessons for the design, deployment, and maintenance of remote monitoring systems. Argus is an integrated security system for protection of high-consequence U.S. Government assets, including nuclear materials. Argus provides secure transmission of sensor data, administrative data, and video information to support intrusion detection and access control functions. LLNL developed and deployed the Argus system on its own site in 1988. Since that time LLNL has installed, maintained, and upgraded Argus systems at several Department of Energy and Department of Defense sites in the US as well as at the original LLNL site. Argus has provided high levels of reliability and integrity, as well as reducing overall lifecycle cost through incremental improvements to hardware and software. This philosophy permits expansion of functional capability, hardware upgrade and software upgrade without system outages and with minimum outage of local functions. This presentation will describe Argus design strategies and lessons learned from the Argus program as they apply to the design, development, and maintenance of a remote monitoring network.
  • Nuclear materials management
  • Security
  • Computer systems
  • Surveillance
  • Remote monitoring
  • LLNL
  • Argus security system
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200603
Designing Remote Monitoring Systems For Long Term Maintenance and Reliability.
Designing Remote Monitoring Systems For Long Term Maintenance and Reliability.

  • Nuclear materials management
  • Security
  • Computer systems
  • Surveillance
  • Remote monitoring
  • LLNL
  • Argus security system
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee