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Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program. FY 2003.


Publication Date 2004
Page Count 134
Abstract The Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab or LBNL) is a multi-program national research facility operated by the University of California for the Department of Energy (DOE). As an integral element of DOE's National Laboratory System, Berkeley Lab supports DOE's missions in fundamental science, energy resources, and environmental quality. Berkeley Lab programs advance four distinct goals for DOE and the nation: (1) To perform leading multidisciplinary research in the computing sciences, physical sciences, energy sciences, biosciences, and general sciences in a manner that ensures employee and public safety and protection of the environment. (2) To develop and operate unique national experimental facilities for qualified investigators. (3) To educate and train future generations of scientists and engineers to promote national science and education goals. (4) To transfer knowledge and technological innovations and to foster productive relationships among Berkeley Lab's research programs, universities, and industry in order to promote national economic competitiveness. In FY03, Berkeley Lab was authorized by DOE to establish a funding ceiling for the LDRD program of $15.0 M, which equates to about 3.2% of Berkeley Lab's FY03 projected operating and capital equipment budgets. This funding level was provided to develop new scientific ideas and opportunities and allow the Berkeley Lab Director an opportunity to initiate new directions. Budget constraints limited available resources, however, so only $10.1 M was expended for operating and $0.6 M for capital equipment (2.4% of actual Berkeley Lab FY03 costs). In FY03, scientists submitted 168 proposals, requesting over $24.2 M in operating funding. Eighty-two projects were funded, with awards ranging from $45 K to $500 K. These projects are summarized in Table 1.
  • Laboratories
  • Energy policy
  • Environmental quality
  • Research and development
  • Laboratory syste
  • Management
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., CA.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Office of Science.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Office of Science.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200516
Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program. FY 2003.
Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program. FY 2003.

  • Laboratories
  • Energy policy
  • Environmental quality
  • Research and development
  • Laboratory syste
  • Management
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee