Publication Date |
2001 |
Personal Author |
Su, Y.; Nenoff, T. M.; Navrotsky, A. |
Page Count |
16 |
Abstract |
This project is a continuing EMSP project entitled 'New Silicotitanate Waste Forms: Development and Characterization.' The purpose of this project is to deliver pertinent information that can be used to make rational decisions on selection of separation processes for cesium, strontium, and actinides. The objectives of this project are: (1) to establish the structure/property relationship between inorganic ion exchanger materials and their ability to selectively separate divalent cations under extreme operating conditions-This includes optimizing stoichiometry, synthesis, and pretreatment conditions for metal niobate and silicotitanate ion exchangers for maximum strontium and actinide-surrogate selectivity. (2) to fully characterize the phase relationships, structures, and thermodynamic and kinetic stabilities of these new phases and their related condensed phases (as potential ceramic waste forms) (3) to understand the chemical and thermodynamic stabilities of silicotitanate ion exchangers based on an in-depth comprehension of local bonding configurations and thermochemistry (4) to apply fundamental understanding to tailoring an ion exchanger that is ideally suited for a DOE needs and therefore has the potential for short-term deployment in the DOE complex. |
Keywords |
Source Agency |
Corporate Authors |
Pacific Northwest National Lab., Richland, WA.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.; Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM. |
Supplemental Notes |
Prepared in cooperation with Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM. Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC. |
Document Type |
Technical Report |
NTIS Issue Number |
200512 |