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Migration and Entrapment of DNAPLS in Heterogeneous Systems: Impact of Waste and Porous Mediam Composition. Annual Report, June 2003.


Publication Date 2003
Personal Author Abriola, L. M.; Demond, A. H.
Page Count 10
Abstract Previously funded EMSP research efforts were directed towards the quantification of dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) migration and entrapment behavior in physically and chemically heterogeneous systems. This research demonstrated that chemical heterogeneities can have a significant influence on DNAPL fate and persistence. Previous work, however, was limited to examination of the behavior of pure DNAPLs in systems with simple and well-defined aqueous and solid surface chemistry. This past work also provides the conceptual framework for characterizing and interpreting experimental results, mathematical model development, and inverse modeling protocols. Specific objectives of this research include: (1) Relate measured interfacial properties for representative wastes and soils to parameters such as mineralogy, organic carbon content, pH, ionic strength, and DNAPL acid and base numbers. (2) Assess predictive procedures to estimate interfacial properties for DOE wastes and soils. (3) Deduce mechanisms of interfacial property alteration. (4) Quantify the influence of waste and porous medium composition on hydraulic properties and residual saturation. (5) Develop and assess constitutive hydraulic property and residual saturation models. (6) Explore the migration and entrapment behavior of model DNAPL wastes in spatially an d temporally heterogeneous systems. (7) Development and validation a multiphase flow model to simulate the migration and entrapment of model DNAPL wastes in heterogeneous systems. (8) Investigate the up-scaling of findings from batch and soil column experiments to larger systems.
  • Multiphase flow
  • Soils
  • Wastes
  • Carbon
  • Chemistry
  • Hydraulics
  • Mathematical models
  • Saturation
  • Validation
  • Mixtures
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor. Dept. of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200512
Migration and Entrapment of DNAPLS in Heterogeneous Systems: Impact of Waste and Porous Mediam Composition. Annual Report, June 2003.
Migration and Entrapment of DNAPLS in Heterogeneous Systems: Impact of Waste and Porous Mediam Composition. Annual Report, June 2003.

  • Multiphase flow
  • Soils
  • Wastes
  • Carbon
  • Chemistry
  • Hydraulics
  • Mathematical models
  • Saturation
  • Validation
  • Mixtures
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee