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Interfacial Soil Chemistry of Radionuclides in the Unsaturated Zone. Annual Progress Report: 2001-2002.


Publication Date 2002
Personal Author Chorover, J.; Mueller, K. T.; Karthikeyan, K. G.; Vairavamurthy, A.; Serne, R. J.
Page Count 16
Abstract We are in the final year (in a one-year extension) of a project with the principal goal of investigating the impact of clay surface alteration, resulting from hydroxy-aluminum (HyA) and hydroxyaluminosilicate (HAS) species intercalation on reactivity of soils towards Cs and Sr. Special emphasis has been accorded to the unique geochemical conditions that are representative of the Hanford site vadose zone (high ionic strength, high pH, high Al concentrations). Specific objectives of the research include: (1) Quantify the rate and extent of contaminant sorption to prevalent soil minerals as a function of system composition and contaminant concentration. (2) Determine the effects of intercalation of clays by HyA and HAS on the sorption/ion exchange process. (3) Determine the role of NOM (dissolved and mineral bound) on the particle retention of Cs and Sr. (4) Investigate the nature of mineral transformations induced by high pH and ionic strength conditions characteristic of waste impacted environments as it affects concurrent/subsequent retention of Cs and Sr. (5) Determine the coordination chemistry of contaminants bound into clay surfaces (as measured in objectives (1)-(4)) using NMR and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Significant progress has been made in achieving these objectives.
  • Radionuclides
  • Soil chemistry
  • Absorption
  • Spectroscopy
  • Clays
  • Annual reports
  • Illite
  • Kaolinite
  • Kinetics
  • Radioisotopes
  • Retention
  • Sediments
  • Sorption
  • Tanks
  • Transformations
  • Vermiculite
  • Weathering
  • Wastes
  • Leachates
  • Unsaturated zones
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Arizona Univ., Tucson. Dept. of Soil, Water and Environmental Science.; Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY. Dept. of Applied Science.; Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park. Dept. of Chemistry.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Prepared in cooperation with Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park. Dept. of Chemistry. and Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY. Dept. of Applied Science. Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200512
Interfacial Soil Chemistry of Radionuclides in the Unsaturated Zone. Annual Progress Report: 2001-2002.
Interfacial Soil Chemistry of Radionuclides in the Unsaturated Zone. Annual Progress Report: 2001-2002.

  • Radionuclides
  • Soil chemistry
  • Absorption
  • Spectroscopy
  • Clays
  • Annual reports
  • Illite
  • Kaolinite
  • Kinetics
  • Radioisotopes
  • Retention
  • Sediments
  • Sorption
  • Tanks
  • Transformations
  • Vermiculite
  • Weathering
  • Wastes
  • Leachates
  • Unsaturated zones
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee