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Waste Issues Associated with the Safe Movement of Hazardous Chemicals.


Publication Date 2002
Personal Author Dare, J. H.; Coumoyer, M. E.
Page Count 12
Abstract Moving hazardous chemicals presents the risk of exposure for workers engaged in the activity and others that might be in the immediate area. Adverse affects are specific to the chemicals and can range from minor skin, eye, or mucous membrane irritation, to burns, respiratory distress, nervous system dysfunction, or even death. A case study is presented where in the interest of waste minimization; original shipping packaging was removed from a glass bottle of nitric acid, while moving corrosive liquid through a security protocol into a Radiological Control Area (RCA). During the transfer, the glass bottle broke. The resulting release of nitric acid possibly exposed 12 employees with one employee being admitted overnight at a hospital for observation. This is a clear example of administrative controls to reduce the generation of suspect radioactive waste being implemented at the expense of employee health. As a result of this event, material handling procedures that assure the safe movement of hazardous chemicals through a security protocol into a radiological control area were developed. Specifically, hazardous material must be transferred using original shipping containers and packaging. While this represents the potential to increase the generation of suspect radioactive waste in a radiological controlled area, arguments are presented that justify this change.
  • Hazardous chemicals
  • Radioactive waste management
  • Accidents
  • Chemistry
  • Containment controlled areas
  • Hazardous material minimization
  • Mucous membranes
  • Nervous system
  • Nitric acid
  • Packaging
  • Personnel
  • Security
  • Wastes
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Los Alamos National Lab., NM.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200514
Waste Issues Associated with the Safe Movement of Hazardous Chemicals.
Waste Issues Associated with the Safe Movement of Hazardous Chemicals.

  • Hazardous chemicals
  • Radioactive waste management
  • Accidents
  • Chemistry
  • Containment controlled areas
  • Hazardous material minimization
  • Mucous membranes
  • Nervous system
  • Nitric acid
  • Packaging
  • Personnel
  • Security
  • Wastes
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee