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In situ Grouting Treatability Study for the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Subsurfce Disposal Area--Transuranic Pits and Trenches.


Publication Date 2002
Personal Author Loomis, G. G.; Jessmore, J. J.; Sehn, A. L.
Page Count 18
Abstract At the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL), a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) treatability study is being performed to examine the technology of in situ grouting for final in situ disposal of buried mixed transuranic (TRU) waste. At the INEEL, there is over 56,000 cubic meters of waste commingled with a similar amount of soil in a shallow (3-5 m) land burial referred to as Waste Area Group 7-13/14. Since this buried waste has been declared on the National Priorities List under CERCLA, it is being managed as a superfund site. Under CERCLA, options for this waste include capping and continued monitoring, retrieval and ex situ management of the retrieved waste, in situ stabilization by vitrification or grouting, in situ thermal dissorption, or some combination of these options. In situ grouting involves injecting grout at high pressures (400 bars) directly into the waste to create a solid monolith. The in situ grouting process is expected to both stabilize the waste against subsidence and provide containment against migration of waste to the Snake River Plain Aquifer lying 150-200 m below the waste. The treatability study involves bench testing, implementability testing, and field testing. The bench testing was designed to pick three grouts from six candidate grouts for the implementability field testing in full scale which were designed to down-select from those three grouts to one grout for use in a full-scale field demonstration of the technology in a simulated test pit.
  • Alpha-bearing wastes
  • Grouting
  • Underground disposal
  • Idaho national engineering laboratory
  • Pits
  • Trenches
  • Radionuclide migration
  • Snake river plain aquifer
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Lab., Idaho Falls.; Akron Univ., OH.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Prepared in cooperation with Akron Univ., OH. Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200514
In situ Grouting Treatability Study for the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Subsurfce Disposal Area--Transuranic Pits and Trenches.
In situ Grouting Treatability Study for the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Subsurfce Disposal Area--Transuranic Pits and Trenches.

  • Alpha-bearing wastes
  • Grouting
  • Underground disposal
  • Idaho national engineering laboratory
  • Pits
  • Trenches
  • Radionuclide migration
  • Snake river plain aquifer
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee