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Evaluation of Management Routes for the Paldiski Sarcophagi.


Publication Date 2002
Personal Author Antonel, L.; Robin, B.; Miller, J. W.; Putnik, H.; Simanovski, Y.
Page Count 20
Abstract The necessity to develop the submarine fleet in Russia required constructing a special training base for the training of submarine crews. To this purpose two prototypes of nuclear power units, close analogous to those fitting out nuclear submarines were constructed and commissioned in the sixties on the Navy training centre's base located in Paldiski (Pakri peninsula, Estonia). In 1994, nuclear fuel was discharged from the reactors and transported to Russia while the reactors themselves were prepared for prolonged storage, prior to transfer of the Paldiski facilities to the ownership of the Estonian Republic. The Paldiski facilities are currently being dismantled with the exception of two sarcophagi made of concrete that are housing the two reactor compartments. The question of the future management of both sarcophagi is a key-issue in the cleaning up of the whole Paldiski site. Actually, three basic questions should answered: when should dismantling operations occur, how this should be done, and what could be the corresponding cost. Within the context of enlargement of the European Union, the Commission services (first Directorate-General for Environment and then Directorate-General for Enlargement) decided to support Estonia to respond to these three questions through a study contract that was awarded in 1999 to a TECHNICATOME/BNFL consortium. The work scope was made up of three distinct tasks: data collection regarding the nuclear reactors and enclosing compartments design, and the works carried in order to prepare the reactor compartments for long-term storage; drawing up dismantling strategies in order to reach the third decommissioning level defined by IAEA; and evaluation of these decommissioning options on the basis cost estimation and radiological impact evaluation, in view to recommend the best management route. This article gives the key stages and the conclusions of this study.
  • Waste management
  • Reactors
  • Dismantling
  • Nuclear power
  • Submarines
  • Waste storage
  • Cost analysis
  • Management
  • Paldiski site
  • Sarcophagi
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Societe Technique pour l'Energie Atomique (Technicatome), Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette (France).; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200510
Evaluation of Management Routes for the Paldiski Sarcophagi.
Evaluation of Management Routes for the Paldiski Sarcophagi.

  • Waste management
  • Reactors
  • Dismantling
  • Nuclear power
  • Submarines
  • Waste storage
  • Cost analysis
  • Management
  • Paldiski site
  • Sarcophagi
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee