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Scenario Development Methodology for Performance Assessment of Near-Surface LILW Repository Based on FEPS and Interaction Matrix Approach.


Publication Date 2002
Personal Author Park, J. W.; Kim, C. L.; Chang, K. M.; Song, M. J.
Page Count 12
Abstract Systematic procedure of developing radionuclide release scenarios was established based on Features, Events, and Processes (FEPs) list and Interaction Matrix for the near-surface Low Intermediate Level Wastes (LILW) repository. The relevant FEPs were screened by experts review in terms of domestic situation and combined into scenarios on the basis of Interaction Matrix analysis. A computer program named IMFEP-NS was developed to view and select project FEPs, to make its Interaction Matrix at user's disposal, and to visualize the interaction between FEPs and Interaction Matrix. The concept of approach to generate scenarios for entire domain is to divide the whole system domain into three sections: Near-field, Far-field, and Biosphere.
  • Radioactive waste management
  • Radioactive waste processing
  • Radionuclides
  • Radioactive waste disposal
  • Computer codes
  • Biosphere
  • Design
  • Performance evaluation
  • Radioisotopes
  • Low level radioactive wastes
  • Intermediate level radioactive wastes
  • Methodology
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., Tae-jon (Republic of Korea).; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200508
Scenario Development Methodology for Performance Assessment of Near-Surface LILW Repository Based on FEPS and Interaction Matrix Approach.
Scenario Development Methodology for Performance Assessment of Near-Surface LILW Repository Based on FEPS and Interaction Matrix Approach.

  • Radioactive waste management
  • Radioactive waste processing
  • Radionuclides
  • Radioactive waste disposal
  • Computer codes
  • Biosphere
  • Design
  • Performance evaluation
  • Radioisotopes
  • Low level radioactive wastes
  • Intermediate level radioactive wastes
  • Methodology
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee