Publication Date |
2003 |
Personal Author |
Pomerville, J.; Griffith, A.; Moskowitz, P. D.; Endregard, M.; Sidhu, R. S. |
Page Count |
10 |
Abstract |
The Arctic Military Environmental Cooperation (AMEC) Program is a cooperative effort between military establishments of the Russian Federation, United States and Norway to reduce potential environmental threats from military installations and activities in the Arctic and enhancing the environmental security of all three countries. The goal of this project is to enhance the ability to effectively and safely perform radiological monitoring of objects at selected facilities for dismantlement of nuclear submarines and handling and disposition of spent nuclear fuel. Radiological monitoring is needed to protect workers at the sites engaged in dismantlement of nuclear submarines, the local public and the environment. |
Keywords |
Source Agency |
Corporate Authors |
Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Alexandria, VA.; Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC. |
Supplemental Notes |
Prepared in cooperation with Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY. Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC. |
Document Type |
Technical Report |
NTIS Issue Number |
200512 |