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Substantial Variability Exists in Utilities' Nuclear Decommissioning Funding Adequacy: Baseline Trends (1997-2001) and Scenario and Sensitivity Analyses (Year 2001).


Publication Date 2003
Personal Author Williams, D. G.
Page Count 20
Abstract This paper explores the trends over 1997-2001 in my baseline simulation analysis of the sufficiency of electric utilities' funds to eventually decommission the nation's nuclear power plants. Further, for 2001, I describe the utilities' funding adequacy results obtained using scenario and sensitivity analyses, respectively. In this paper, I focus more on the wide variability observed in these adequacy measures among utilities than on the results for the 'average' utility in the nuclear industry. Only individual utilities, not average utilities -- often used by the nuclear industry to represent its funding adequacy -- will decommission their nuclear plants. Industry-wide results tend to mask the varied results for individual utilities. This paper shows that over 1997-2001, the variability of my baseline decommissioning funding adequacy measures (in percentages) for both utility fund balances and current contributions has remained very large, reflected in the sizable ranges and frequency distributions of these percentages. The relevance of this variability for nuclear decommissioning funding adequacy is, of course, focused more on those utilities that show below ideal balances and contribution levels. Looking backward, 42 of 67 utility fund (available) balances, in 2001, were above (and 25 below) their ideal baseline levels; in 1997, 42 of 76 were above (and 34 below) ideal levels. Of these, many utility balances were far above, and many far below, such ideal levels. The problem of certain utilities continuing to show balances much below ideal persists even with increases in the adequacy of 'average' utility balances.
  • Electric utilities
  • Decommissioning
  • Nuclear power plants
  • Nuclear industry
  • Simulation
  • Sensitivity
  • Waste management
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors General Accounting Office, Washington, DC.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200508
Substantial Variability Exists in Utilities' Nuclear Decommissioning Funding Adequacy: Baseline Trends (1997-2001) and Scenario and Sensitivity Analyses (Year 2001).
Substantial Variability Exists in Utilities' Nuclear Decommissioning Funding Adequacy: Baseline Trends (1997-2001) and Scenario and Sensitivity Analyses (Year 2001).

  • Electric utilities
  • Decommissioning
  • Nuclear power plants
  • Nuclear industry
  • Simulation
  • Sensitivity
  • Waste management
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee