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Ion Recognition Approach to Volume Reduction of Alkaline tank Waste by Separation and Recycle of Sodium Hydroxide and Sodium Nitrate.


Publication Date 2004
Personal Author Moyer, B. A.
Page Count 46
Abstract This research was intended to provide the scientific foundation upon which the feasibility of liquid-liquid extraction chemistry for bulk reduction of the volume of high-activity tank waste can be evaluated. Primary focus has been on sodium hydroxide separation, with potential Hanford application. Value in sodium hydroxide separation can potentially be found in alternative flowsheets for treatment and disposal of low-activity salt waste. Additional value can be expected in recycle of sodium hydroxide for use in waste retrieval and sludge washing, whereupon additions of fresh sodium hydroxide to the waste can be avoided. Potential savings are large both because of the huge cost of vitrification of the low-activity waste stream and because volume reduction of high-activity wastes could obviate construction of costly new tanks. Toward these ends, the conceptual development begun in the original proposal was extended with the formulation of eight fundamental approaches that could be undertaken for extraction of sodium hydroxide.
  • Nuclear facilities
  • Radioactive waste management
  • Bulk reduction
  • Construction
  • Chemistry
  • Flowsheets
  • Sludges
  • Sodium hydroxides
  • Solvent extraction
  • Tanks
  • Vitrification
  • Waste retrieval
  • Washing
  • High-activity tank waste
  • Liquid-liquid extaction chemistry
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Oak Ridge National Lab., TN.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.; University of North Texas, Denton. Dept. of Chemistry.
Supplemental Notes Prepared in cooperation with University of North Texas, Denton. Dept. of Chemistry. Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200507
Ion Recognition Approach to Volume Reduction of Alkaline tank Waste by Separation and Recycle of Sodium Hydroxide and Sodium Nitrate.
Ion Recognition Approach to Volume Reduction of Alkaline tank Waste by Separation and Recycle of Sodium Hydroxide and Sodium Nitrate.

  • Nuclear facilities
  • Radioactive waste management
  • Bulk reduction
  • Construction
  • Chemistry
  • Flowsheets
  • Sludges
  • Sodium hydroxides
  • Solvent extraction
  • Tanks
  • Vitrification
  • Waste retrieval
  • Washing
  • High-activity tank waste
  • Liquid-liquid extaction chemistry
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee