Publication Date |
2003 |
Personal Author |
Robinson, P. |
Page Count |
18 |
Abstract |
This report contains a summary of activities of Gnomon, Inc. and five sub-contractors that have taken place during the first six months (January 1, 2003--June 30, 2003) under the DOE-NETL cooperative agreement: 'Adaptive Management and Planning Models for Cultural Resources in Oil & Gas Fields in New Mexico and Wyoming', DE-FC26-02NT15445. Gnomon, Inc. and all five (5) subcontractors have agreed on a process for the framework of this two-year project. They have also started gathering geomorphological information and entering cultural resource data into databases that will be used to create models later in the project. This data is being gathered in both the Power River Basin of Wyoming, and the Southeastern region of New Mexico. Several meetings were held with key players in this project to explain the purpose of the research, to obtain feedback and to gain support. All activities have been accomplished on time and within budget with no major setbacks. |
Keywords |
Source Agency |
Corporate Authors |
Gnomon, Inc., Carson City, NV.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.; SRI Foundation, Tucson, AZ.; New Mexico Historic Preservation Division, Santa Fe, NM. |
Supplemental Notes |
Prepared in cooperation with SRI Foundation, Tucson, AZ. and New Mexico Historic Preservation Division, Santa Fe, NM. Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC. |
Document Type |
Technical Report |
NTIS Issue Number |
200503 |