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WMD First Response: Requirements, Emerging Technologies, and Policy Implications.


Publication Date 2000
Personal Author Vergino, E. S.; Hoehn, W. E.
Page Count 26
Abstract The Center for Global Security Research at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at the Georgia Institute of Technology recently sponsored a two-day workshop to bring together some 50 representatives of the emergency response, technology development, and policy communities. Participating in this workshop were first responders (representing law enforcement, public health, and emergency response personnel from Los Angeles County, Salt Lake City, Atlanta, and London, England), technology developers from US government laboratories and universities, and policymakers from both the executive and legislative branches of the federal government. The workshop had several objectives. First, we wanted the emergency responders to define the utility of various technologies and tools currently available for first response to a WMD event. Second, we expected the workshop to provide input to the technologists directly from the field users, regarding their special requirements for, and constraints on the use of, new emergency response technologies. Third, we planned to expose the first responders to the types of new technologies under development and allow them the opportunity to ask questions and voice their needs. Finally, we planned to provide recommendations to policymakers for new directions for development and investment of technology.
  • Emergency response
  • Meetings
  • Weapons
  • Terrorism
  • National government
  • Technology innovation
  • International relations
  • Law enforcement
  • WMD(Weapons of mass destruction)
  • Weapons of mass destruction
  • First responders
  • District of Columbia
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200507
WMD First Response: Requirements, Emerging Technologies, and Policy Implications.
WMD First Response: Requirements, Emerging Technologies, and Policy Implications.

  • Emergency response
  • Meetings
  • Weapons
  • Terrorism
  • National government
  • Technology innovation
  • International relations
  • Law enforcement
  • WMD(Weapons of mass destruction)
  • Weapons of mass destruction
  • First responders
  • District of Columbia
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee