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Inertial Fusion and High-Energy-Density Science in the United States.


Publication Date 2001
Personal Author Tarter, C. B.
Page Count 14
Abstract Inertial fusion and high-energy density science worldwide is poised to take a great leap forward. In the US, programs at the University of Rochester, Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), the Naval Research Laboratory, and many smaller laboratories have laid the groundwork for building a facility in which fusion ignition can be studied in the laboratory for the first time. The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is being built by the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Agency to provide an experimental test bed for the US Stockpile Stewardship Program (SSP) to ensure the dependability of the country's nuclear deterrent without underground nuclear testing. NIF and other large laser systems being planned such as the Laser MegaJoule (LMJ) in France will also make important contributions to basic science, the development of inertial fusion energy, and other scientific and technological endeavors. NIF will be able to produce extreme temperatures and pressures in matter. This will allow simulating astrophysical phenomena (on a tiny scale) and measuring the equation of state of material under conditions that exist in planetary cores.
  • National Ignition facility
  • Energy density
  • Thermonuclear reactors
  • Facilities
  • Implosions
  • United States
  • Inertial confinement
  • Waste disposal
  • Lasers
  • Naval Research Laboratory
  • Security
  • Stockpiles
  • Testing
  • Sandia National Laboratories
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200413
Inertial Fusion and High-Energy-Density Science in the United States.
Inertial Fusion and High-Energy-Density Science in the United States.

  • National Ignition facility
  • Energy density
  • Thermonuclear reactors
  • Facilities
  • Implosions
  • United States
  • Inertial confinement
  • Waste disposal
  • Lasers
  • Naval Research Laboratory
  • Security
  • Stockpiles
  • Testing
  • Sandia National Laboratories
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee