Publication Date |
2002 |
Personal Author |
Beavis, D.; Brennan, M.; Chen, M. C.; Fernow, R.; Gallardo, J.; Hahn, R.; Kahn, S.; Kirk, H.; Lowenstein, D.; Ludewig, H.; Morse, W.; Palmer, R.; Parsa, Z.; Raparia, D.; Roser, T.; Ruggoerp, A.; Sandberg, J.; Samios, N.; Scarlett, C.; Semertzidis, Y.; Simos, N.; Tsoupas, N.; Viren, B.; Yamin, P.; Yeh, M. |
Page Count |
108 |
Abstract |
On Dee. 1, 2001, Associate Laboratory Director Tom Kirk appointed a BNL based neutrino physics study group. Its charge was to examine future forefront neutrino oscillation experiments that could be carried out using traditional beams of exceptional intensity (super beams) from an upgraded AGS. The study, as reported in this document, addressed detector distances, sizes and technologies as well as novel ideas for cost effective beam lines and AGS upgrade paths. Most important, it focused on the physics discovery and study potential in its assessment of various options. Given the success of solar and atmospheric neutrino studies in discovering neutrino oscillations and measuring some mixing and mass parameters, it became clear that the next generation accelerator based neutrino oscillation program must be very ambitious. |
Keywords |
Source Agency |
Corporate Authors |
Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY.; Pennsylvania Univ., Philadelphia.; Catania Univ. (Italy).; Princeton Univ., NJ. Joseph Henry Labs.; South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City.; State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook.; California State Univ., Los Angeles. Dept. of Physics and Astronomy.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC. |
Supplemental Notes |
Prepared in cooperation with Pennsylvania Univ., Philadelphia., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City., California State Univ., Los Angeles. Dept. of Physics and Astronomy., State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook., Princeton Univ., NJ. Joseph Henry Labs. and Catania Univ. (Italy). Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC. |
Document Type |
Technical Report |
NTIS Issue Number |
200321 |