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Lower Granite dam smolt monitoring program: annual report, 2000.


Publication Date 2000
Personal Author Morrill, C.; Mensick, F.; Ross, D.
Page Count 94
Abstract The 2000 fish collection season at Lower Granite was characterized by lower than average spring flows and spill, low levels of debris, cool water temperatures, increased unclipped yearling and subyearling chinook smolts, and 8,300,546 smolts collected and transported compared to 5,882,872 in 1999. With the continued release of unclipped supplementation chinook and steelhead above Lower Granite Dam, we can no longer accurately distinguish wild chinook, steelhead, and sockeye/kokanee in the sample. Although some table titles in this report still show 'wild' column headings, the numbers in these columns for 1999 and 2000 include wild and unclipped hatchery origin smolts. The increases over previous years reflect the increased supplementation. A total of 8,300,546 juvenile salmonids were collected at Lower Granite Dam. Of these, 187,862 fish were bypassed back to the river and 7,950,648 were transported to release sites below Bonneville Dam, 7,778,853 by barge and 171,795 by truck. A total of 151,344 salmonids were examined in daily samples. Nine research projects conducted by four agencies impacted a total of 1,361,006 smolts (16.4% of the total collection).
  • Juveniles
  • Monitoring
  • Granites
  • Origin
  • Rivers
  • Seasons
  • Water
  • Lower Granite Dam
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200212
Lower Granite dam smolt monitoring program: annual report, 2000.
Lower Granite dam smolt monitoring program: annual report, 2000.

  • Juveniles
  • Monitoring
  • Granites
  • Origin
  • Rivers
  • Seasons
  • Water
  • Lower Granite Dam
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee