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Quantification of gallium in dried residue samples by xrf: an improved sample preparation method for analyzing plutonium metal.


Publication Date 2001
Personal Author Worley, C. G.
Page Count 7
Abstract A novel XRF sample preparation method was investigated to quantify the concentration of gallium in plutonium metal and minimize the possibility of contaminating the instrument with radioactive material. To prepare homogenous specimens and to add an internal standard, the plutonium must first be dissolved. The currently established method then entails removing the plutonium by chromatography and analyzing the gallium remaining in solution. In the work presented here, plutonium solution aliquots containing zinc as an internal standard were cast onto Mylar, dried, and analyzed by XRF. Aqueous standards containing gallium and zinc were first cast as dried residues, and these residue standards were analyzed and calibrated. More recently aqueous standards containing plutonium, gallium, and zinc were prepared, cast as dried spots, and calibrated. Very linear calibrations were obtained for both sets of standards when zinc was used as the internal standard (RMS values <1% of the standards concentration range). Hence, this dried residue process appears very promising for quantifying gallium in plutonium metal.
  • Gallium
  • Plutonium
  • Sample preparation
  • Residues
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
NTIS Subject Category
  • 71N - Nonferrous Metals & Alloys
Corporate Authors Los Alamos National Lab., NM.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Conference Proceedings
NTIS Issue Number 200209
Contract Number
  • W-7405-ENG-36
Quantification of gallium in dried residue samples by xrf: an improved sample preparation method for analyzing plutonium metal.
Quantification of gallium in dried residue samples by xrf: an improved sample preparation method for analyzing plutonium metal.

  • Gallium
  • Plutonium
  • Sample preparation
  • Residues
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
  • 71N - Nonferrous Metals & Alloys
  • W-7405-ENG-36