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Electroweak theory.


Publication Date 2001
Personal Author Quigg, C.
Page Count 130
Abstract After a short essay on the current state of particle physics, the author reviews the antecedents of the modern picture of the weak and electromagnetic interactions and then undertakes a brief survey of the SU(2)(sub L) (circle-times) U(1)(sub Y) electroweak theory. The author reviews the features of electroweak phenomenology at tree level and beyond, presents an introduction to the Higgs boson and the 1-TeV scale, and examines arguments for enlarging the electroweak theory. The author concludes with a brief look at low-scale gravity.
  • Electromagnetic interactions
  • Grand unified theory
  • Higgs bosons
  • Weak interactions
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Fermi National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, IL.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Conference Proceedings
NTIS Issue Number 200125
Contract Number
  • AC02-76CH03000
Electroweak theory.
Electroweak theory.

  • Electromagnetic interactions
  • Grand unified theory
  • Higgs bosons
  • Weak interactions
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
  • AC02-76CH03000