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Physical interpretation of mathematically invarient k(r,p) type equations of state for hydrodynamically driven flow.


Publication Date 2001
Personal Author Hrbek, G. M.
Page Count 5
Abstract In order to apply the power of a full group analysis to the problem of an expanding shock in planar, cylindrical, and spherical geometries, the expression for the shock front position R (t) has been modified to allow the wave to propagate through a general non-uniform medium. This representation incorporates the group parameter ratios as meaningful physical quantities and reduces to the classical Sedov-Taylor solution for a uniform media. Expected profiles for the density, particle velocity, and pressure behind a spherically diverging shock wave are then calculated using the Tait equation of state for a moderate (i.e., 20 t TNT equivalent) blast load propagating through NaC1. The changes in flow variables are plotted for Mach < 1.5. Finally, effects due to variations in the material uniformity are shown as changes in the first derivative of the bulk modulus (i.e., Ko').
  • Equation of state
  • Hydrodynamics
  • Fluid flow
  • Shock waves
  • Particle velocity
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
NTIS Subject Category
  • 46 - Physics
Corporate Authors Los Alamos National Lab., NM.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Conference Proceedings
NTIS Issue Number 200210
Contract Number
  • W-7405-ENG-36
Physical interpretation of mathematically invarient k(r,p) type equations of state for hydrodynamically driven flow.
Physical interpretation of mathematically invarient k(r,p) type equations of state for hydrodynamically driven flow.

  • Equation of state
  • Hydrodynamics
  • Fluid flow
  • Shock waves
  • Particle velocity
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
  • 46 - Physics
  • W-7405-ENG-36