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Cost of Automotive Polymer Composites: A Review and Assessment of DOE's Lightweight Materials Composites Research.


Publication Date 2001
Personal Author Das, S.
Page Count 49
Abstract Polymer composite materials have been a part of the automotive industry for several decades but economic and technical barriers have constrained their use. To date, these materials have been used for applications with low production volumes because of their shortened lead times and lower investment costs relative to conventional steel fabrication. Although glass fiber-reinforced polymers dominate the composite materials used in automotive applications, other polymer composites, such as carbon fiber-reinforced polymer composites, show great promise. These alternatives are attractive because they offer weight reduction potential twice that of the conventional glass fiber-reinforced thermoset polymers used today. The major thrust of this paper is an examination of the economic viability of polymer composites. The paper also examines how the R&D supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Advanced Automotive Technologies Lightweight Materials Program is responding to the needs of the industry, specifically from an economic viability perspective.
  • Polymer composites
  • Automotive industry
  • Cost analysis
  • Research and development
  • US DOE
  • Government policies
  • Lightweight materials
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Oak Ridge National Lab., TN. Energy Div.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Office of Transportation
Supplemental Notes Color illustrations reproduced in black and white. Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Office of Transportation Technologies.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200120
Contract Number
  • DE-AC05-00OR22725
Cost of Automotive Polymer Composites: A Review and Assessment of DOE's Lightweight Materials Composites Research.
Cost of Automotive Polymer Composites: A Review and Assessment of DOE's Lightweight Materials Composites Research.

  • Polymer composites
  • Automotive industry
  • Cost analysis
  • Research and development
  • US DOE
  • Government policies
  • Lightweight materials
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
  • DE-AC05-00OR22725