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Effect of Workbench Shielding on Nagasaki Factory Workers' Dose.


Publication Date 2001
Personal Author Azmy, Y. Y.
Page Count 43
Abstract Observed discrepancies on the order of 40% between the previously computed radiation doses to factory workers in a Nagasaki factory and measured values estimated from genetic aberrations are investigated. A conjecture that these discrepancies can be resolved by including the shielding of workers by workbenches and tools is tested. A simple two-dimensional r - z model of the Nagasaki bomb explosion surrounding area with cylindrical shell representations of the factory walls and a smeared workbench is used to set an upper bound on the dose reduction as a function of workbench material. The model covers a 1353.5 m x 1500 m region, mostly air, discretized by almost 71,000 computational cells; energy is discretized by 46 neutron and 23 gamma groups. Angular anisotropy of scattering is represented by a P5 expansion, while the angular dependence of the angular flux is discretized along a 240-angle, biased quadrature set. A first collision source is computed by GRTUNCL and used in DORT to compute the fully collided flux in 64-bit arithmetic precision. All groups are converged in DORT to 10 -4 , and the sum of the converged flux and GRTUNCL's uncollided flux are folded with flux-to-dose conversion factors to generate pointwise maps of group dose rates. It is concluded that with this simplified model of the workbench, a workbench consisting of only 0.16 m of solid wood and 0.04 m of solid carbon steel is sufficient to reduce the total dose by 40%. These are reasonable material contents in a typical workbench, thus the conjecture is affirmed, and more detailed calculations of the total dose to individual workers in various exposure scenarios are expected to eliminate remaining discrepancies.
  • Radiation doses
  • Nagasaki
  • Shielding
  • Personnel
  • Industrial plants
  • A-bomb survivors
  • Workbench shielding
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Oak Ridge National Lab., TN.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200125
Contract Number
  • AC05-96OR22464
Effect of Workbench Shielding on Nagasaki Factory Workers' Dose.
Effect of Workbench Shielding on Nagasaki Factory Workers' Dose.

  • Radiation doses
  • Nagasaki
  • Shielding
  • Personnel
  • Industrial plants
  • A-bomb survivors
  • Workbench shielding
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
  • AC05-96OR22464