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Demonstration of Decision Support Tools for Sustainable Development: An Application on Alternative Fuels in the Greater Yellowstone-Teton Region.


Publication Date 2000
Personal Author Shropshire, D. E.; Cobb, D. A.; Worhach, P.; Jacobson, J. J.; Berrett, S.
Page Count 54
Abstract The Demonstration of Decision Support Tools for Sustainable Development project integrated the Bechtel/Nexant Industrial Materials Exchange Planner and the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory System Dynamic models, demonstrating their capabilities on alternative fuel applications in the Greater Yellowstone-Teton Park system. The combined model, called the Dynamic Industrial Material Exchange, was used on selected test cases in the Greater Yellow Teton Parks region to evaluate economic, environmental, and social implications of alternative fuel applications, and identifying primary and secondary industries. The test cases included looking at compressed natural gas applications in Teton National Park and Jackson, Wyoming, and studying ethanol use in Yellowstone National Park and gateway cities in Montana. With further development, the system could be used to assist decision-makers (local government, planners, vehicle purchasers, and fuel suppliers) in selecting alternative fuels, vehicles, and developing AF infrastructures. The system could become a regional AF market assessment tool that could help decision-makers understand the behavior of the AF market and conditions in which the market would grow. Based on this high level market assessment, investors and decision-makers would become more knowledgeable of the AF market opportunity before developing detailed plans and preparing financial analysis.
  • Alternative fuels
  • Sustainable development
  • Ethanol
  • Idaho
  • Laboratory system
  • Market
  • Montana
  • Natural gas
  • Wyoming
  • Yellowstone national park
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
Corporate Authors Idaho Operations Office (AEC), Idaho Falls.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 200125
Contract Number
  • AC07-99ID13727
Demonstration of Decision Support Tools for Sustainable Development: An Application on Alternative Fuels in the Greater Yellowstone-Teton Region.
Demonstration of Decision Support Tools for Sustainable Development: An Application on Alternative Fuels in the Greater Yellowstone-Teton Region.

  • Alternative fuels
  • Sustainable development
  • Ethanol
  • Idaho
  • Laboratory system
  • Market
  • Montana
  • Natural gas
  • Wyoming
  • Yellowstone national park
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
  • AC07-99ID13727