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Verification and Validation of Carbon-Fiber Laminate Low-Velocity Impact Simulations.


Publication Date 2014
Personal Author English, S. A.; Nelson, S. M.; Briggs, T. M.; Brown, A. A.
Page Count 68
Abstract Presented is a model verification and validation effort using low - velocity impact (LVI) of carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminate experiments. A flat cylindrical indenter impacts the laminate with enough energy to produce delamination, matrix cracks and fiber breaks. Included in the experimental efforts are ultrasonic scans of the damage for qualitative validation of the models. However, the primary quantitative metrics of validation are the force time history measured through the instrumented indenter and initial and final velocities. The simulations, whi ch are run on Sandia's Sierra finite element codes , consist of all physics and material parameters of importance as determined by a sensitivity analysis conducted on the LVI simulation. A novel orthotropic damage and failure constitutive model that is cap able of predicting progressive composite damage and failure is described in detail and material properties are measured, estimated from micromechanics or optimized through calibration. A thorough verification and calibration to the accompanying experiment s are presented. Specia l emphasis is given to the four - point bend experiment. For all simulations of interest, the mesh and material behavior is verified through extensive convergence studies. An ensemble of simulations incorporating model parameter unc ertainties is used to predict a response distribution which is then compared to experimental output. The result is a quantifiable confidence in material characterization and model physics when simulating this phenomenon in structures of interest. <
  • Carbon fibers
  • Laminates
  • Numerical methods and procedures
  • Verification
  • Calibration
  • Pressure
  • Steel
  • Stresses
  • Autofrettage
  • Cracking(Fracturing)
  • Elastic properties
  • Failure(Mechanics)
  • Low-Velocity Impact(LVI)
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
NTIS Subject Category
  • 71I - Fibers & Textiles
  • 71F - Composite Materials
  • 41E - Manufacturing, Planning, Processing & Control
  • 72B - Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, & Mathematical Logic
  • 46E - Structural Mechanics
Corporate Authors Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 201509
Verification and Validation of Carbon-Fiber Laminate Low-Velocity Impact Simulations.
Verification and Validation of Carbon-Fiber Laminate Low-Velocity Impact Simulations.

  • Carbon fibers
  • Laminates
  • Numerical methods and procedures
  • Verification
  • Calibration
  • Pressure
  • Steel
  • Stresses
  • Autofrettage
  • Cracking(Fracturing)
  • Elastic properties
  • Failure(Mechanics)
  • Low-Velocity Impact(LVI)
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
  • 71I - Fibers & Textiles
  • 71F - Composite Materials
  • 41E - Manufacturing, Planning, Processing & Control
  • 72B - Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, & Mathematical Logic
  • 46E - Structural Mechanics