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Assessment of Performing an MST Strike in Tank 21.


Publication Date 2014
Personal Author Poirier, M. R.
Page Count 19
Abstract Previous Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) tank mixing studies performed for the Small Column Ion Exchange (SCIX) project have shown that 3 Submersible Mixer Pumps (SMPs) installed in Tank 41 are sufficient to support actinide removal by MST sorption as well as subsequent resuspension and removal of settled solids. Savannah River Remediation (SRR) is pursuing MST addition into Tank 21 as part of the Large Tank Strike (LTS) project. The preliminary scope for LTS involves the use of three standard slurry pumps (installed in N, SE, and SW risers) in a Type IV tank. Due to the differences in tank size, internal interferences, and pump design, a separate mixing evaluation is required to determine if the proposed configuration will allow for MST suspension and strontium and actinide sorption. The author performed the analysis by reviewing drawings for Tank 21 (W231023) and determining the required cleaning radius or zone of influence for the pumps. This requirement was compared with previous pilot-scale MST suspension data collected for SCIX that determined the cleaning radius, or zone of influence, as a function of pump operating parameters. The author also reviewed a previous Tank 50 mixing analysis that examined the ability of standard slurry pumps to suspend sludge particles. Based on a review of the pilot-scale SCIX mixing tests and Tank 50 pump operating experience, three standard slurry pumps should be able to suspend sludge and MST to effectively sorb strontium and actinides onto the MST. Using the SCIX data requires an assumption about the impact of cooling coils on slurry pump mixing. The basis for this assumption is described in this report. Using the Tank 50 operating experience shows three standard slurry pumps should be able to suspend solids if the shear strength of the settled solids is less than 160 Pa. Because Tank 21 does not contain cooling coils, the shear strength could be larger.
  • Actinides
  • Criticality
  • Plutonium
  • Uranium
  • Fissile materials
  • Liquid wastes
  • Precipitation
  • Removal
  • Residues
  • Safety
  • Tanks
  • Titanates
  • Large Tank Strike (LTS)
Source Agency
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
NTIS Subject Category
  • 68G - Environmental Health & Safety
  • 68F - Radiation Pollution & Control
  • 77F - Radiation Shielding, Protection, & Safety
  • 99F - Physical & Theoretical Chemistry
Corporate Authors Savannah River National Lab., Aiken, SC.; Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Supplemental Notes Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 201509
Assessment of Performing an MST Strike in Tank 21.
Assessment of Performing an MST Strike in Tank 21.

  • Actinides
  • Criticality
  • Plutonium
  • Uranium
  • Fissile materials
  • Liquid wastes
  • Precipitation
  • Removal
  • Residues
  • Safety
  • Tanks
  • Titanates
  • Large Tank Strike (LTS)
  • Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
  • 68G - Environmental Health & Safety
  • 68F - Radiation Pollution & Control
  • 77F - Radiation Shielding, Protection, & Safety
  • 99F - Physical & Theoretical Chemistry