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Experimental Study of Boiling Heat Transfer and Dryout in Heated Particulate Beds.


Publication Date 1980
Personal Author Trenberth, R.; Stevens, G. F.
Page Count 33
Abstract Boiling heat transfer and dryout occurring in a liquid while it permeates through a bed of self-heated particulate material are phenomena of relevance to reactor safety since they control the rate of heat removal from beds of core debris. Considerable attention is being given to the subject throughout the world, and studies include both in-reactor and laboratory experiments. Results are presented from laboratory experiments in which water was the coolant and in which the particulate material was plated iron shot. The bed of plated iron shot was of rectangular cross-section and was heated by passing low voltage alternating current through the particles. The results presented relate mainly to a systematic study of the effects of bed depth and particle size on dryout power density, but the effect of an additive which significantly reduces the surface tension of the coolant was also examined, as theoretical considerations suggest that this is important. The data exhibit a high degree of consistency, and thus will prove to be valuable in validation of theoretical models. (Atomindex citation 12:592606)
  • Lmfbr type reactors
  • Meltdown
  • Boiling
  • Corium
  • Dryout
  • Fuel-cladding interactions
  • Heat transfer
  • Porous materials
  • Reactor safety
  • Water
  • Foreign technology
  • ERDA/220900
  • ERDA/210500
Source Agency
  • International Nuclear Information System
NTIS Subject Category
  • 77H - Reactor Engineering & Nuclear Power Plants
Corporate Authors UKAEA, Winfrith (England). Atomic Energy Establishment.
Document Type Technical Report
NTIS Issue Number 198216
Experimental Study of Boiling Heat Transfer and Dryout in Heated Particulate Beds.
Experimental Study of Boiling Heat Transfer and Dryout in Heated Particulate Beds.

  • Lmfbr type reactors
  • Meltdown
  • Boiling
  • Corium
  • Dryout
  • Fuel-cladding interactions
  • Heat transfer
  • Porous materials
  • Reactor safety
  • Water
  • Foreign technology
  • ERDA/220900
  • ERDA/210500
  • International Nuclear Information System
  • 77H - Reactor Engineering & Nuclear Power Plants