Publication Date |
1987 |
Personal Author |
Anderson, R. D.; Fickie, K. D. |
Page Count |
178 |
Abstract |
IBHVG2, which stands for Interior Ballistics of High Velocity Guns, version 2, is a lumped-parameter, interior ballistic computer code. The code, which was developed at the BRL, is an updated version of the classic Baer Frankle interior ballistic code. IBHVG2 is used for calculation of interior ballistic trajectories, including gas pressure, projectile displacement and projectile velocity as a function of time. The code treats both regular and deterred propellants. It contains powerful variational and searching capabilities, so that it can, for example, search and find the best propellant dimensions, given the maximum allowable gas pressure. This report thoroughly documents IBHVG2, so that all of its many features can be used effectively. The report contains a detailed description of the range of possible user input and description of both the algorithms embodied along with the FORTRAN subroutines which implement them. There are also complete examples of input and output from the code. Although the code has been written to be as generally applicable as possible, the report has a short section describing modifications that are necessary to enable the code to run on various computers and complier combinations. A machine-readable copy of the code can be obtained by contacting the authors of this report. |
Keywords |
Source Agency |
NTIS Subject Category |
Corporate Authors |
Army Ballistic Research Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. |
Document Type |
Technical Report |
Title Note |
Technical rept. Jan 83-Jan 87. |
NTIS Issue Number |
199709 |